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Showing posts from February, 2021


 The GEMINI Man "I could tell you my adventures- beginning from this morning-" "At least I knew who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then." Being in love gives you a nice sense of warm security. There's that heavenly comfort of always knowing someone. is going to be there when you need him-that you no longer walk alone. All the doubts you knew before just melt away. That is, unless you're having a romance with a Mercury man, which might take the edge off that "warm security." In fact, you'll adjust much better to a Gemini if you send him out for a loaf of bread on Monday and don't expect him back until Thursday. Never look for him until you see him coming-and don't hang onto his coat-tails when he wants to leave. Once you've schooled yourself to accept his restless, unpredictable spirit, there's a good chance of making it work. But not if you're going to insist on ...


 The TAURUS Man "Why, I wouldn't say anything about it, even if I fell off the top of the housel" ". . . Only you'd better not come very close I generally hit everything I can see- when I get really excited." Perhaps you picture the typical Taurus man as a quiet, practical soul, as sensible and down-to-earth as an old pair of shoes. It's true-he is. You may also observe that he's slow to move to action, deliberate and careful. True again. Therefore, you deduce, it's only logical to assume he's not very romantic. Positively false. Where did you get the idea you can analyze the Taurean nature by using pure logic alone? Probably from some Libra fellow who's trying to make an impression on you. Well, he's wrong. Logic isn't very helpful when you're trying to solve the riddle of a strong, masculine symbol like the bull, who's ruled by a loving, peaceful planet like Venus. Send that Libra man with his clever mind back to the lib...


 The ARIES Man He said, "I go my ways And when I find a mountain-nil I set it in a blaze ..." "So either way I'll get into the garden, and I don't care what happens." That creature over there making a phone call-is it an electrically charged dynamo? Is it a flaming torch? is it a bird, an explosion-or is it Superman? Well, practically. It's an Aries male, which is pretty close. Let's hope you know what you're looking for. Should it be excitement, an Aries man will provide it by the bushel, with seldom a dull moment to blur the sparkle. But if you're looking for the security and contentment of a soothing love, you're in the wrong telephone booth. Aries can overwhelm you with passionate ardor one mintue, and be as icy as a polar bear the next. Insult him or lose his interest-either or both-and that warm, impulsive Mars nature will freeze instantly. To ignite it again may mean starting all over from Act One, Scene One. Aries men are fairly b...


 The PISCES Man We are but older children, dear, Who fret to find our bedtime near. William Shakespeare was a Taurus, but he left this message for anyone who is considering becoming involved with a Pisces man: .There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. If you're about to fall over the dam for a Neptunian, you should paste those lines on your compact mirror, where you can see them every time you powder your nose. They may possibly make or break your future, not to mention your heart. Try to untangle your probably rosy state of mind and make sure that Pisces fellow you're about to join in a moonlight swim knows when the tide is coming in. If he takes it at the flood, you're as lucky as any girl can be. On to fame and fortune! But if, perchance, your Pisces lad can't see the tide for the stardust in his eyes, and he misses that big flood-well, let me war...